Our Commitment to You About the Content You’ll Find on Our Sites
If someone pays us to produce, post or publish a piece of content, we’ll tell you.
There are three types of content that you will find on our sites. We strive to accurately label and provide context around them as needed so you know what you are reading.
Our staff journalists (writers and editors) originate the vast majority of the content on our sites. As the default type of content, it does not carry any special labeling. This material is editorially independent from our sponsors or advertisers.
The same standard applies to stories we curate through wire services [such as the Tribune News Service (TNS)] and a growing number of independent, non-partisan, nonprofit news outlets (such as The Conversation, ProPublica, and The Texas Tribune).
The views expressed by our opinion columnists and contributors are not necessarily those of our editors or management and are vetted by our editors to help ensure diversity of views and to help ensure an arms-length relationship between opinion pieces and commercial interests.
Our independent journalism is supported by advertising, including content grouped together into channels, modules and series that may be “presented by” one or more advertisers, none of which have any editorial influence on the content.
We use Special to describe research, events, programs and content not produced by e.Republic Editorial. It includes content produced by other divisions of e.Republic and its partners. This content may be identified as special projects, special programs, special series, or special issues. Special content is often made possible through the direct support of underwriters but is prepared and posted without the advance review of underwriters, sponsors or business partners. Each item is posted or printed with an appropriate label and identifier.
Paid content that is produced and posted with input from or provided by sponsors is considered and labeled as sponsor or sponsored content, including but not limited to Contributed Solutions.
Last updated: April 2023
Originally published: January 2014